Traveling light is not only comfortable, it is healthy.

Planning a trip is a complex project that could be fantastic for you, or it can drive you crazy, depending on how you handle the situation.

The organization is the key. Is not a bad idea to write down every step of your plan, but overall, is never a bad idea to think ahead what you will need for your trip in terms of baggage, clothing, shoes, etc.

Yes, we all want to bring “all we need” to our vacation spot but, what is what we really need? That’s the first question you have to ask yourself, and please be honest while answering because you may end up carrying 4 suitcases instead of 2, or even 1.

What’s the difference between 1 or 4 suitcases if anyway all of them will go on the plane or the car? Well, every year thousands of people suffer from luggage-related injuries, and that’s a reality. In the simple act of lifting or carrying for a few minutes or even seconds your suitcase, you can get a painful injury that will ruin your trip before it actually starts.

Sports medicine physicians have a few tips for you so you can enjoy every step of your vacation without an unwanted injury caused by heavy or overloaded baggage. The process to avoid one of those injuries starts with the packing and the type of suitcase you use:

  • Large and heavy bags are difficult to control. Try using small or medium suitcases.
  • Wheeled luggage is the most comfortable and easy to move around.
  • Avoid buying a cheap suitcase. The wheels might not be strong enough.
  • It’s not only about how much you pack, but also how you pack it. Distribute the weight.

Once you are ready to check or carry your suitcases, have in mind these simple steps:

  • Bend your knees always.
  • Your knees and hips should be firmly engaged while lifting objects from the floor.
  • Keeping the suitcases close to your body will help you on the lifting.

Remember that your time off should be happy and enjoyable. Maybe you can live without that huge hair dryer, the dozen of high heels, or the 2 computers you plan to pack. After all, is vacation time, free time. Free yourself from that and enjoy a simpler, lighter and definitely healthier trip.

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